reverse lookup of names with Apple Script in Address
thought with an asterisx server on the network it should be possible to get incoming calls signaled on the mac - with Address lookup for names and pictures…
incoming (ISDN) calls are handled by the chan_capi module and then notified via app_notify
- at the end of extensions.conf something like the following has to go (put in values for MSN and HOSTNAME_TO_BE_NOTIFIED)
exten => MSN,1,Notify(${CALLERID(num)}|${CALLERID(name)}|${EXTEN}/HOSTNAME_TO_BE_NOTIFIED)
exten => MSN,2,Wait(120)
exten => MSN,3,Hangup()
update (9/11/2007):
i had a wrong Notify call in my extensions.conf and that was why the notification part didn’t work… the AppleScript, still, exemplifies a lookup in for a given number.
the OS X client comes from the same page, however for me the notification part with Address lookup didn’t work. to have growl notification i then put an AppleScript into Library/Application Support/AsteriskNotifier/Scripts
global callerName, callerNumber, callerImg
-- notification(“01792259314||4066585”)
-- notification("||4066585")on notification(message)
– message comes in “${CALLERID(num)}|${CALLERID(name)}|${EXTEN}”
set the text item delimiters to {"|"}
– first the number
set callerNumber to text item 1 of message
– second the name - if available
if (text item 2 of message) is not equal to "" then
set callerName to text item 2 of message
set callerName to “Unknown”
end if
– third the number that was called
set calledNumber to text item 3 of message
– for further reference…
set callerImg to null
set the text item delimiters to {" “}
if callerNumber is not equal to "” then
– this is necessary if the number in Address is in a different format
– e.g. “034567890” doesn’t match “+12 (345) 67890”
set lookForNum to callerNumber
set lookForNum to my trim_line(lookForNum, “00”, 0)
set lookForNum to my trim_line(lookForNum, “0”, 0)
tell application “Address Book”
set found to false
set phoneNums to {}
repeat with loopPerson in people
set PhoneNumsCount to (count every phone of loopPerson)
repeat with i from 1 to PhoneNumsCount
set phoneNum to (get value of phone i of loopPerson)
set newString to my remove_specialChars(phoneNum)
ignoring white space
if newString contains lookForNum then
– beep
– display dialog phoneNum as string
set phoneNums to phone i of loopPerson
set callerNumber to phoneNum
if callerName is not equal to “Unknown” then
set callerName to first name of loopPerson & " " & last name of loopPerson
end if
if image of loopPerson exists then set callerImg to image of loopPerson
exit repeat
end if
end ignoring
end repeat
if phoneNums is not {} then
set found to true
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
– if found then
– activate
– set selection to loopPerson
– end if
end tell
end if
tell application “GrowlHelperApp”
– Make a list of all the notification types
– that this script will ever send:
set the allNotificationsList to ¬
{“Incoming Call”}
– Make a list of the notifications
– that will be enabled by default.
– Those not enabled by default can be enabled later
– in the ‘Applications’ tab of the growl prefpane.
set the enabledNotificationsList to ¬
{“Incoming Call”}
– Register our script with growl.
– You can optionally (as here) set a default icon
– for this script’s notifications.
register as application ¬
“Asterisk Notification” all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
– Send a Notification…
if callerImg is not null then
notify with name ¬
“Incoming Call” title ¬
callerName & " @ " & (time string of (current date)) description ¬
callerNumber as string application name ¬
“Asterisk Notification” image (callerImg)
– callerNumber & " on " & calledNumber
notify with name ¬
“Incoming Call” title ¬
callerName & " @ " & (time string of (current date)) description ¬
callerNumber as string application name ¬
“Asterisk Notification” image from location “~/Library/Application Support/AsteriskNotifier/phone.jpg”
end if
end tell
end notificationon remove_specialChars(this_text)
set copy_flag to true
set the clean_text to ""
repeat with this_char in this_text
set this_char to the contents of this_char
if this_char is not “(” and this_char is not “)” and this_char is not “+” and this_char is not “x” and this_char is not “-” and this_char is not “_” then
set the clean_text to the clean_text & this_char as string
end if
end repeat
return the clean_text
end remove_specialCharson trim_line(this_text, trim_chars, trim_indicator)
– 0 = beginning, 1 = end, 2 = both
set x to the length of the trim_chars
if the trim_indicator is in {0, 2} then
repeat while this_text begins with the trim_chars
set this_text to characters (x + 1) thru -1 of this_text as string
on error
– the text contains nothing but the trim characters
return ""
end try
end repeat
end if
if the trim_indicator is in {1, 2} then
repeat while this_text ends with the trim_chars
set this_text to characters 1 thru -(x + 1) of this_text as string
on error
– the text contains nothing but the trim characters
return ""
end try
end repeat
end if
return this_text
end trim_line
Notify application module for the Asterisk PBX:
AppleScript Support for Growl: [