Transfer mail from Lotus Domino - imapsync to the rescue!
At the end of a long story there was the need to transfer mail from a Lotus Domino server to a local Thunderbird account… Anyways, for some other reasons it seemed quite a good idea to transfer them to a local IMAP server, and then have Thunderbird download all mail.
After looking into different IMAP servers, the best solution seemed to be dovecot - with the others there were problems, e.g. with extended attributes.
Copying mails from Domino to the local IMAP server was then done with imapsync
imapsync --host1 domino.e.t.c --user1 "USERNAME" --authmech1 PLAIN --host2 localhost --user2 dummy --authmech2 PLAIN --prefix2 "~/mail/" --syncinternaldates --split1 50 --split2 50 --nofastio1 --debug