future reminder: FreeBSD for dummies, aka. linux users... 2008-06-09 1 min read don’t ask - but i might need this in the near future… http://h3g3m0n.wordpress.com/2008/03/03/freebsd-review-and-howtos-from-a-linux-user/ http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ imported from https://iiegn.blogspot.com/ Next cleaning house in osx Previous nss signtool, xulrunner, firefox 3 add-ons and things i don't want to mention - currently on a debian system Related Bibliography Workflow (precursor) OS X, How To Perform an Action During Fast User Switch OS X, Is there a shortcut which invokes the "Login Window..." fast user switching command? @ Ask Different SMTP: envelope-from address tries to execute perl Ubuntu Precise on Lenovo Thinkpad X200s