Language varieties meet One-Click Dictionary


The goal of the STyrLogism Project is to semi-automatically extract neologism candidates (new lexemes) for the German standard variety used in South Tyrol, and generally create the basis for long-term monitoring of its development. We use automatic lexico-semantic analytics for the lexicographic processing, but instead of continuing to develop our independent neologism detection application, we have recently become part of a thriving community of users and developers within the EU infrastructure project ELEXIS, which aims to harmonise efforts that relate to producing and making dictionary resources available, and to develop tools with consistent standards and increased interoperability. Consequently, we moved the development of our neologism application into Lexonomy, one of ELEXIS' promoted open-source projects. In the following, we report on the current state of this ongoing development by describing how we integrate our work with the Sketch Engine and Lexonomy tools, pointing out the challenges involved, and discussing how our work on language varieties can be evaluated.

Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference